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"The Black Widow"


NAME: Azumi Kurosawa

AGE: 21


OCCUPATION: Blue lotus heir and Assassin

FIGHTING STYLE: Kurosawa style assassination arts

HEIGHT: 5'6ft

WEIGHT: 120lbs

LIKES: Smoking her Kiseru pipe, Sadomasochism, Narcissism

DISLIKES: The idea of love. (Believes it makes you weak)

Hates her father



The proud daughter of Daigo Kurosawa, head of the Blue Lotus Zaibatsu and Lady Nozomi Aoi.

Much of Azumi's childhood was spent away from the Zaibatsu as her Father's neglect to her Mother would push her into the arms of another man. Aoi's infidelity would eventually lead to the birth of Azumi's younger, half sister, Xi-yun Zhang.


It wouldn't be long before her father, Daigo learned of Aoi's unfaithfulness and indirectly change the course of Azumi's ordinary life.  Blinded by his rage, Daigo ordered a hit on the family -- brutally killing Aoi, her lover Ye-min and their child, Xi-yun while Azumi was taken back to the Zaibatsu where she would be raised by her father alongside her legitimate siblings.


Azumi was pushed towards the path of a Blue Lotus assassin and thus the bodies began to fall in her blood-stained path towards vengeance.


Fueled by the desire to enact revenge against her father, Azumi grew cold and ruthless training obsessively until she was satisfied her body was a tool of destruction. Her elite skills enabled her to swiftly climb the ranks of the Kurosawa family as she completed contract upon contract thus becoming one of the most deadily women in the world.


Finally...The day arrived in which her efforts would be rewarded. Azumi would be presented with the prestige of inheriting Arahabaki's Dark gift. A diabolical power that would cement her legacy in the Kurosawa Bloodline.


Standing tall over her older siblings and beginning her ascension to the top of the Kurosawa family hierarchy.  Azumi was now one step closer to fulfilling her goal.


It wasn't long before Azumi was requested to join the Furia Royale tournament at the personal request of Benisatou as a means to test the young heir's new feats.




  • Azumi is empowered by a force known as "The sword of the queen - Gift of Arahabki". This power gifts the user, increased physical abilities and a unique ability. In Azumi's case; lightning and thunder manipulation. The potency of the force within her has been reduced to prevent side affects.

  • lives a promiscuous lifestyle and is known to even consort with her enemies before killing them. Hence the black widow mantle.

  • Azumi loves designer clothes and fancy hairstyles.

  • Surprisingly good tennis player.

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