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"The Dog"


NAME: D.A.O (as named by her handlers)

AGE: 18

ORIGIN: Thailand

OCCUPATION: Mafia Attack Dog


HEIGHT: 5'6ft

WEIGHT: 127lbs

LIKES: Yoga, Buddhist teachings

DISLIKES: her handlers, being forced to kill



A Young orphan known throughout the streets of Bangkok by the acronym D.A.O.

Locals would often see her covered in cuts and bruises whilst being escorted from various locations, flanked by armed men.

The locals would liken Dao to some kind of wild animal, needing careful round the clock supervision, thus earning her the reputation of "Dao the dog". Ironically the shocking truth of the matter would be far more grim as Dao was nothing more than a weapon. A “gun” used by cartels that could be pointed in the direction of anyone they saw fit.

It wouldn't be long before footage of Dao's bloody clashes would go viral across the globe. Her remarkable abilities and endurance finally exposed to the world, inevitably catching the eye of Ms.Benisatou herself.

“Somebody get this kid a contract! This is money!” Ms. Benisatou proclaimed to her Management through a Cheshire cat grin. Her mind rushing with excitement at the possibility of signing and trademarking the young prospect.

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